Kindergarten 2025 Enrolment
We will provide you information regarding how to finalise enrolment and have supporting documentation sighted and collected by our administration team during Term 3. Please ensure your contact details are up to date to receive this information.
Enrolment documentation that needs to be sighted and provided include:
- Original birth certificate
- 100-point residential proof
- For parents born overseas we required proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residency or VISA documents
- Health Care Plans e.g. Asthma, Allergy, Anaphylaxis, Diabetes, Epilepsy
- Medical reports e.g. Pediatrician, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy (optional to provide)
For more information about enrolment, please click here.
Enrolment Interviews
Children who are starting Kindergarten in 2025, and their parents, will need to attend an enrolment interview at school, in Term 3, 2024. This interview allows us to understand your child's unique needs, strengths, and interests, enabling us to provide them with the best possible learning experience. Please bring any reports, such as paediatrician, health, speech and language reports, to this interview.
Interviews will take approximately 15 minutes and are being held daily during Week 9, Term 3, the dates include from Monday the 16th of September to Friday the 20th of September. We have a large number of interviews to conduct, so please book in your preferred time, as soon as possible.
Once you have completed your online enrolment form you can book your interview online. Go to and enter the code 25dcm
You can return to at any time and change your interview time. If you require any further assistance, please contact the office on (02) 4726 6020.
Transition to School Statement
Jordan Springs Public School invites families and early childhood educators to share children's Transition to School Statements with us.
A Transition to School Statement provides a summary of a child's strength, interests and approaches to learning as seen through the eyes of their early childhood educator and using the voice of the child. This statement provides a valuable insight into the child for Jordan Springs Public School staff to prepare for and begin planning and creating supportive and engaging teaching and learning programs, as well as a positive transition to school environment.
We ask that early childhood educators seek permission from families before emailing these statements to the schools email address. We also welcome families sharing their child's statement.
Best start
The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment identifies student’s literacy and numeracy skills on entry to Kindergarten. All NSW Kindergarten students complete the literacy and numeracy assessment before formal learning in the classroom happens.
The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment provides teachers with the opportunity to sit with a child one on one, focusing on what that child can do. The assessment is not a test but provides teachers with useful information to help support your child’s learning at school.
The assessment will take approximately 30 minutes for each child and will be held in the first 4 weeks of school in 2025.
At Jordan Springs Public School, this assessment will take place during Week 3 and 4 of Term 1, 2025
Day 1 Term 1, 2025
Jordan Springs Public School are excited to meet our new Kindergarten students on Thursday 6th February 2025. More information will be communicated via email.